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Web Server Check Tool Program

Summary | Notes | License | Download | Screenshot


This utility allows you to perform a range of tests on web and DAV servers to check their functionality. The currently supported checks are: HEAD, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, REPORT and SEARCH (in custom query only) and you can now specify your own custom query.

NB: Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported and you MUST specify the protocol in the URL field.


  1. Only "Basic" and "Digest" authentication are supported.
  2. If you want to provide authentication then you must tick the "Enable Authentication" check box.
  3. If you cancel a custom query the extension will perform an OPTIONS query instead.
  4. The SEARCH query is only available as a custom query and the "Depth" option is ignored as the depth should be specified as part of the query.
  5. SSL certificate errors are ignored unless they cause a connection failure. You can see the certificate details by clicking on the "View SSL Certificate" button.


This software is available for use under an End-User License Agreement that you are required to abide by. If you feel that this agreement is unreasonable do not make use of this product.

The following components are released under their own licenses.

If you like this software then, please, make a donation. Thank you.

Donation amount:


Windows Installer
MD5: 0808eb5e627edbd70fb172877bcf381e
SHA1: e9d66592475ad8c13bcfbfcd276e9ed8d676bdcb
Windows ZIP File
MD5: e548158c374aa95db2b8ec8131f08902
SHA1: 90c279299293e77fd798b784efc50e5447b99a02
Linux - 32bit ZIP File
MD5: f6baa556aa5b694ecc76b56a55975933
SHA1: c18b618d98ff600eb45f68d77f2ebaf277a70877
Linux - 64bit ZIP File
MD5: 13fc68912cd56bef23820d5c8a8e2543
SHA1: 8aa17c792af34f4f420aa27c01ef4d2d189b123d


Web Server Check Tool